Thursday, January 2, 2020

To the Daisy and The Stolen Boat by William Wordsworth Free Essay Example, 1000 words

The poet assigns the role of transformation from adolescence to maturity to nature and cites circumstances to show the impact on his young mind. The Stolen Boat is one such creation where the poet talks about himself as a young boy who steals a boat in the night. The scary cliff looms dark and large before him. This reminds the poet of his act of stealth and guilt. This is a single verse, 44-line poem. The following lines reveal his state of mind affected deeply by nature: Of sea or sky, no colors of green fields; But huge and mighty forms, that do not liveLike living men moved slowly through the mindBy day, and were a trouble to my dreams (Wordsworth and Morley, 274)Unfathomable perception and inexplicable sense of fear troubled the innocent mind of the young boy. The situation conveyed in the Stolen Boat may be described as, a disquietude, an intimation of uncanny threat .projections of guilt, evoke the horror of death retain a psychological ambivalence and mystery (Ulmer, 53) The otherwise harmless objects of nature surrounding him remind him of his act of stealth. We will write a custom essay sample on To the Daisy and The Stolen Boat by William Wordsworth or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page

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