Tuesday, February 18, 2020
What are the strengths and weaknesses of seeing organizations as Essay - 1
What are the strengths and weaknesses of seeing organizations as purely rational configurations - Essay Example This study will be centered towards analyzing strengths and weakness of considering an organizational configuration as purely rational. There is no such definition that can precisely explain the concept of organizational behavior. Organizational theory can be stated as a concept that helps in studying system of formal organizations and their relationship with external environment. There are various concepts which are included in such study such as leadership, organizational development, organizational behavior, organizational and industrial psychology, human resource studies and management. Organizations have developed from past many years and during due course of time people have witnessed which of them are best firms. Rationalization or scientific management, division of labor and bureaucracy are some well known organizational theories. The term rational basically indicates making a conscious decision and not getting influenced by emotions. Absence of emotional aspect might result into an inappropriate organizational functioning. This study will be focused on determining advantages of rational perspective of a firm and its possible negative consequences. There are two significant factors of rational organizational like formalization and goal specification. Goal specification can be stated as forming guidelines in order to complete tasks and allocate resource appropriately. On the other hand, formalization is a method adopted to standardize organizational behavior. These two procedures results into stable expectations and develops a rational system. In modern world the major area of concern for all firms is to offer equal opportunities to all team members and take practical decisions that are not based on emotional grounds or on any such experience. This study shall reveal dual perspective of purely rational organizations with the support of appropriate
Monday, February 3, 2020
Humanities class Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Humanities class - Essay Example To illustrate this point, it will be best to cite an example in an epoch in history where St. Augustine’s teachings and philosophy were pervasive – the Dark Age. During that time, St. Augustine’s teachings that we are all sinners and deserving to be damned virtually preoccupied all of Europe’s consciousness that even the air they breathe is filled with sin. For St. Augustine, they were all sinners because Christ, despite of his sacrifice, did not after all save nor absolved us from our sins so we have to repent. So virtually all dimension of life in Europe during that time were filled with remission of sins such that a slight digression from this theological thought would suffice an individual to be charged as heretic and be burned at the stake. That same theological thought also proved to be an ideal ground to launch a crusade of violence and murder in the name of God. Pope Urban II exhortation and call for arms against the Muslims at Clermont, France in November 27, 1095 would not have gained ground if people did not believe that they were sinners and deserved to be damned (Tyrman 226-228). The pope knowing that this is the mindset of the people during those times, exploited their naivety by offering those who will undertake the crusade a full remission of their their sins and will be regarded as martyrs and could expect eternal salvation as the crusade is considered as a response of vow made to God (Riley-Smith 9). Naà ¯ve and gullible that this may sound to the modern mind, but the reward of not being damned by their sins is the religious impetus that provided momentum to the crusade, an idea borrowed from St. Augustine. Still not contented, the violence that were undertaken in Christ’s name who Himself abhorred violence but instead preached and practiced love and charity was also given a theological justification or excuse by the teachings of St.
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