Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Free Essays on TommyKnockers
Stephen King’s The Tommyknockers The Tommyknockers is a bone chilling, heart pounding story about a woman named Nancy Cragar, who discovers an alien ship. When she finds the alien ship, strange things begin happen to her and the town she lives, named Maconville. First she begins to lose her teeth and her hair, then her ribcage begins to move towards her back. She is being â€Å"modified†into a â€Å"Tommyknocker.†Her friend, named Dave, helps her dig up and the ship and slowly starts finding out the secrets about where people of Maconville have missing. Nancy’s house has suddenly been changed to run completely, and only, off of batteries. Dave then finds, in Nancy’s shed in her backyard, that the people who are missing are in that shed. The top of their skulls has been removed and many strange wires are running to their brains. Dave then figures out that the brains are powering her house, instead of the batteries he thought were. As Dave continues finding all of this out, Nancy is becoming more and more like the Tommyknockers in the ship, she now has â€Å"vine-like†arms that she uses to kill anybody who comes near her or threatens her. Her tractor, which was once a 350cc slightly modified engine, is now a very weird Alien modified hovercraft that they use to help dig up the ship. They open the hatch, with air tanks on because they figured out that the air in the ship will either extremely stale or non-existent. Using these air tanks, they enter the ship and find the Tommyknockers dead. Using simple logic, they come to that they died during the crash landing several hundred million years ago. Dave then runs away fearing that Nancy might try to kill him because he has been trying to talk Nancy out of entering the ship and that they should just leave it alone. Nancy does try to kill him, but fails and Dave then finds his old .22 shotgun and begins to brutality shoot Nancy repeatedly and repeatedly until her body i... Free Essays on TommyKnockers Free Essays on TommyKnockers Stephen King’s The Tommyknockers The Tommyknockers is a bone chilling, heart pounding story about a woman named Nancy Cragar, who discovers an alien ship. When she finds the alien ship, strange things begin happen to her and the town she lives, named Maconville. First she begins to lose her teeth and her hair, then her ribcage begins to move towards her back. She is being â€Å"modified†into a â€Å"Tommyknocker.†Her friend, named Dave, helps her dig up and the ship and slowly starts finding out the secrets about where people of Maconville have missing. Nancy’s house has suddenly been changed to run completely, and only, off of batteries. Dave then finds, in Nancy’s shed in her backyard, that the people who are missing are in that shed. The top of their skulls has been removed and many strange wires are running to their brains. Dave then figures out that the brains are powering her house, instead of the batteries he thought were. As Dave continues finding all of this out, Nancy is becoming more and more like the Tommyknockers in the ship, she now has â€Å"vine-like†arms that she uses to kill anybody who comes near her or threatens her. Her tractor, which was once a 350cc slightly modified engine, is now a very weird Alien modified hovercraft that they use to help dig up the ship. They open the hatch, with air tanks on because they figured out that the air in the ship will either extremely stale or non-existent. Using these air tanks, they enter the ship and find the Tommyknockers dead. Using simple logic, they come to that they died during the crash landing several hundred million years ago. Dave then runs away fearing that Nancy might try to kill him because he has been trying to talk Nancy out of entering the ship and that they should just leave it alone. Nancy does try to kill him, but fails and Dave then finds his old .22 shotgun and begins to brutality shoot Nancy repeatedly and repeatedly until her body i...
Friday, November 22, 2019
Object Pronouns vs. Subject Pronouns
Object Pronouns vs. Subject Pronouns Object Pronouns vs. Subject Pronouns Object Pronouns vs. Subject Pronouns By Mark Nichol Using pronouns seems simple enough, but they cause confusion because it’s easy to mix up nominative, or subject, pronouns and object pronouns. Here’s a review of the difference between the two categories of pronoun: A nominative pronoun is one that takes the place of a noun phrase used as a sentence’s subject. Instead of writing, â€Å"The man patiently stood in line,†one could write, â€Å"He stood patiently in line.†An object pronoun, however, replaces a noun phrase employed as an object: If you wished to use a pronoun to refer to a woman who precedes the man in line, you wouldn’t use the equivalent of the pronoun that appears in the second example above (â€Å"The man patiently stood in line behind she†); you’d use a different form (â€Å"The man patiently stood in line behind her†). Pronouns that rename the subject and follow a verb should also be in subject form: â€Å"It is I who have been wronged.†In comparative sentences those in which as or than is used to compare two things should you write, â€Å"I am just as capable as her†or â€Å"I am just as capable as she†? To test the appropriate pronoun form, append a verb to the sentence, and the correct version becomes clear: â€Å"I am just as capable as she is.†(One often hears people saying things like â€Å"I am just as capable as her,†but one often hears things said that are not grammatically rigorous.) Sometimes, the correct choice depends on the meaning of the sentence: Is â€Å"She’s more likely to ask him than I†correct, or should you write, â€Å"She’s more likely to ask him than me†? If the extended sentence is â€Å"She’s more likely to ask him than I am,†in which the comparison is between the subject and the writer, I is correct. However, if the intent is to convey that the man referred to as him is more likely to be asked something by the subject than the writer is, the correct pronoun form is me, but that distinction should be clarified with a revision like â€Å"She’s more likely to ask him than ask me.†Another source of confusion is reflexive pronouns those that reflect back on the subject. Reflexive pronouns include all the compound words ending in -self (for example, myself) or -selves (for example, themselves). Reflexive pronouns should be used only to refer to another word in the sentence. For example, in â€Å"I gave myself a mental pat on the back for a job well done,†myself refers to the subject I. However, in â€Å"The letter was intended for myself,†myself has no referent (the subject is â€Å"the letter†), so the sentence should read, â€Å"The letter was intended for me.†Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar 101 category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:100 Whimsical Words75 Idioms and Expressions That Include â€Å"Break†75 Synonyms for â€Å"Hardâ€
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Term paper on Capital market efficiency Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6250 words
Term paper on Capital market efficiency - Essay Example In addition, reference is made to market ethics, at the level that ethics can secure, at least up to a level, market efficiency, being related to all three aspects of market efficiency, i.e. information, institutions and transactions. The literature developed in this field proves that existing research in regard to market risks and potentials focuses on the potentials of markets to become efficient but also on the ability of certain financial systems to promote market efficiency. This is the case of the Islamic finance system which is highly differentiated from the conventional finance system at the following point: in Islamic finance emphasis is given on the intervention of ethics in economic transactions. Because of this reason the reference to the Islamic finance system has been considered as quite necessary for evaluating the issues explored in this paper. It has been proved that it is not quite difficult for a market to be efficient, especially since efficient markets are not co nsidered as perfect markets. Still, it can be rather difficult for those managing financial products to promote ethics in all financial transactions. Indeed, certain aspects of each market are not aligned with the rules of market efficiency, as analyzed below. ... veloped in each market can be an indicative example of market efficiency, as described by theorists who have studied the particular subject (Palan 2007). It should be noted that market efficiency is also described as capital market efficiency (Kevin 2006). The two terms reflect almost the same phenomenon: the development of a high range of economic activities with no delays or other failures within an environment that it is highly influenced by ethics (Kevin 2006). The only difference between the above two terms is the following one: capital market efficiency refers to the potential of specific financial products to respond to the expectations of their investors while market efficiency refers to the expectations of all people living locally, i.e. within the territory in which the market involved is based, to take a return from their deposits or other investments (Palan 2007). The characteristics and the role of market efficiency have been highly explored in the literature. Different approaches have been used though for describing the particular concept (Mama 2010). In any case, it seems that the content of market efficiency is not standardized, depending on the market conditions and economic activities that the particular term has to reflect (Mama 2010). Reference can be made, in particular to the following forms of efficiency, as appeared in the modern market: a) transactional efficiency; this term is used in order to show the ‘costs and speed of reliably transferring funds between market participants’ (Mama 2010, p.10); b) from a different perspective, informational efficiency is a term used in order to show the efficiency in regard to information (Mama 2010, p.11), meaning not only the information gathered in regard to the performance of a particular market but
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Can the European Charter of Fundamental Rights Be Viewed as Essay
Can the European Charter of Fundamental Rights Be Viewed as Revolutionary in Relation to the Recognition of Human Rights Under E - Essay Example Bilen examines the establishment of the European charter on the European Union; he states that the charter purpose is making the European citizens aware of their fundamental rights. Bilen further states that the establishment of the European charter and incorporating it into the European legal system created a sense of sanity n the Europe legal system which faced objection s from time to time from their member states (2005, p.4). The charter was drafted using numerous international human rights instruments; the charter does provide a modern and broader protection for the European citizens. The European Union member states use the charter in improving the protection of rights throughout the union. This is achieved by the enhancement of public awareness of the basic rights. The charter narrows the gap between the citizens and the remote institutions of the union. The rights covered by the charter include the rights to life, prohibition of torture, the right to liberty and security. Oth er rights covered include the right to respect family life, and privacy, freedom of thought freedom of assembly, expression and the freedom of association, the right to marry, prohibition to discrimination and a right to an effective remedy (Bilen, 2005, p.11). The European charter ensures that the rights are adhered to by supervising the European courts of human rights; the main principle of the European Law is ensuring that there is the protection of the fundamental human rights. Therefore, the European charter in its purpose to making the rights visible to its citizen’s aims at two things: the first is to strengthen and deepen the culture of rights and responsibilities in the European Union. The charter as a document that proclaims the existing rights if the citizens has a powerful effects in reinforcing in the minds of administrators, the government, and law enforcers the rights the European citizens are entitled to and needs to respect them. The second aim of the charter it declares the rights, freedoms and principles of the union. This declaration unveils the indefinites’ on protection of human rights (Bilen, 2005, p.23). The charter fits the description of being a revolutionary documentary in that it does denote the European Union as an entity built upon the citizen. It reflects n the rights and freedoms of the citizen and emphasises on the rights of the citizen that should not be overrun by collective welfare claims or national concern. The charter creates a union among the Europeans in the sense that the citizens share a peaceful future based on common moral values (European Union, 2010, p.83). In view of the changing society, social progresses scientific and technological developments the European Union utilise the charter as a tool to maintaining the visibility of the human rights. In an effort, to ensure that the fundamental rights of the European citizens is protected the charter has seen the establishment of a commission of human ri ghts, a court of human rights, and a committee of Ministers of the council of Europe. Each of these departments has a role in ensuring the protection of
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Learning Framework Essay Example for Free
Learning Framework Essay 1. I want my family to be proud of me. 2. I want to earn my degree in Network Management. 3. I want my children to be encouraged to stay in school and not quit. The reason I choose the three I did was because I have always felt like I could never do right in my family’s book. I am an unwed mother of five children and I have been ridiculed for that. I have always failed where my family is concerned. I figure going to school and making me better would help to fix that. I choose my degree in Network Management because I love computers and I am very good with them. I have a desktop that I built from the ground up and that is what also helped me decide this degree. When it comes to my children, I do not want them to quit school at a young age like I did and the years later figure out that they cannot get a job without a High School Diploma or a GED. I want them to get their careers out of the way before they have children so that they can have a secure future and not be struggling like I have for years. College for me is not only for me, but my children also. I want them to know that if I can do it, they can do it. I always tell them you can be whatever you decide to be in life. Having an education plays a major role in that I believe.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Christians Cannot Blindly Accept Multiculturalism Essay -- Immigration,
Racial reconciliation should be a top priority for every Christian of any race or cultural background. But will this demand for a "multicultural center of learning" produce a less prejudiced society? Multiculturalists insist on greater sensitivity towards, and increased inclusion of, racial minorities and women in society. Christians should endorse both of these goals. But many advocating multiculturalism go beyond these demands for sensitivity and inclusion; here is where Christians must be careful. One of the difficulties of accepting multiculturalists is that defining a multicultural society, or institution seems to be determined by one's perspective. A commonly held view suggests that being multicultural involves tolerance towards racial and ethnic minorities, mainly in the areas of dress, language, food, religious beliefs, and other cultural manifestations. An influential group calling itself NAME, or the National Association for Multicultural Education, includes in its philosophy statement the following: "Xenophobia, discrimination, racism, classism, sexism, and homophobia are societal phenomena that are inconsistent with the principles of a democracy and lead to the counterproductive reasoning that differences are deficiencies."(name). NAME is a powerful organization composed of educators from around the country, and it has considerable influence on how schools approach the issue of diversity on campus. The fundamental question that the folks at NAME need to answer is, "Is it always counterproductive to reason that some differences might be deficiencies?"(name). In other words, isn't it possible that some of the characteristics of specific culture groups are dangerous or morally unsound? It is not uncommon for advocates of multiculturalism like NAME to begin with the assumption that truth is culturally based. It is argued that a group's language dictates what ideas about God, human nature, and morality are permissible. While Americans may define reality using ideas from its Greek, Roman, Asian or African cultures see the world differently based on their traditions. Multiculturalists conclude that since multiple descriptions of reality exist, no one view can be true in any ultimate sense. Furthermore, since truth is a function of language, and all language is created by humans, all truth is created by humans. This view of truth and language ha... ...elieve that every human being was created in God's image and reflects God's glory and majesty. We were created to have dominion over God's creation as His stewards. Thus, we are to care for others because they are ultimately worthy of our care and concern. We are not to be cruel to others because the Creator of the universe made individuals to have fellowship with Him and He cares for them. This does not discount that people are fallen and in rebellion against God. In fact, if we really care about people we will take 2 Corinthians 5:19-20 seriously. First, that God has made reconciliation with Himself possible through His Son Jesus Christ, and as verse 20 says, "..he has committed to us the message of reconciliation. We are therefore Christ's ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us." True sensitivity and inclusion will not be achieved by making tolerance an absolute. They occur when we take what people believe, and the consequences of those beliefs, seriously. When you think about it, what could be crueler than failing to inform people of the Gospel of redemption through Christ, leaving them to spend eternity separated from the Creator God who loves them?
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Indian River and Its Tributeries Essay
The Lohit River has derived its name because of its vigorous nature and thus it is also called the river of blood. The lateritic soil of the river forms its surrounding demography. The river flows through the Mishmi Hills, to meet the Siang at the head of the Brahmaputra valley. The Burhidihing River is one of the major tributaries of the Brahmaputra River. The River Burhidihing flowing at the speed of 103. 58m at Khowang. The waters fall from an elevation of 102. 11m. This river is highly prone to floods and the previous highest flood level was measured to be 103. 92m in1988. Damodar River-The Damodar River originates in the Palamau district of Jharkhand near Chandwa village. The origin of Damodar River is in the Chota Nagpur Plateau region of India. The river flows through the states of Jharkhand and West Bengal for nearly five hundred and ninety two kilometers and then merges with the Hooghly River, which is in the south west of Kolkata. The Damodar River has a number of tributaries and distributaries. They are Barakar, Konar, Guaia,Jamania, Usri, Bokaro, Haharo, Khadia and Bhera. The Barakar is the most important and the only tributary of the Damodar River. This River arises near Padma in Hazaribagh district, flows through Jharkhand,and meets the Damodar River in Dishergarh in West Bengal. The river used to flow through Bengal in yesteryears, from west to east course and then it joined the Hooghly River at a spot near Kalna. Gradually, the river has changed its course and now most of the water in its lower reaches falls into the Mundeswari River. The Mundeswari River combines with other rivers and ultimately most of the water of the Damodar River flows into the Rupnarayan River. The residual water flows through the Damodar into the Hooghly, located at the south of Kolkata. Earlier the Damodar River was referred to as River of Sorrow in Bengal as it used to flood the Bardhaman, Hooghly, Howrah and Medinipur districts of West Bengal, which led to huge destruction of life and property. Even today the floods sometimes distress the lower Damodar Valley but the chaos it brought about in earlier years. However, after building the dams this flood factor has become a matter of history. Pollution of Damodar River is one of the grave concerns of the Bengal authorities. The Damodar is the most polluted river in India today due the several industries that have sprouted on its mineral-rich banks. There are too many coal-based industries that are been build the Damodar valley. Other industries are mostly government-owned coal washeries, coke oven plants, which are the country`s major iron and steel plants and thermal power plants. Zinc, glass and cement plants also cover wide areas along the riverbanks. The overburden of mine effluents, fly ash, oil, toxic metals and coal dust caused the pollution. Defective mining practices, outdated processing practices and lack of proper maintenance were compounded by corruption, inadequate pollution control and a state pollution control board that did nothing. The people living in the basin are slowly being poisoned because the Damodar and its tributaries is the only source of drinking water for most people living in the area. However, the governmental measures have brought significant changes in the status of the river for the past years. The geology of Damodar River indicate heavy metal concentrations at various zones of the river. At two sites in near mining areas, the coarser particles show similar or even higher heavy metal concentrations than the finer ones. Damodar Valley Corporation (DVC) is based on the Tenesse Valley Authority of the United States of America. This project benefits the states of West Bengal and Bihar. An important feature of this project is the 692 metres long and 11. 6 metres high barrage constructed across the Damodar at Durgapur. Panchet dam, Farakka Barrage, Tilaiya Dam and Konar Dam are the dams at River Damodar. The tributary of Damodar River is one of the most ferocious and voluminous rivers of Eastern India – River Barakar, which begins near Padma in Hazaribagh district of Jharkhand and flows for 225 km across the northern part of the Chota Nagpur plateau. GANGA– The Ganges River is held sacred by Hindus and is worshipped in its personified formas the Goddess Ganga. The Ganga and its tributaries drain a large and fertile basin with an area of about one million square kilometres. The Ganges has a number of tributaries which are mentioned below: Yamuna River Yamuna River, also known as the Jumna, is a major river of the northern India. Yamuna River has a total length of about 1,376 km (855 mi). The Yamuna`s source is at the Yamunotri glacier near Banderpoonch peaks, in the Mussourie range of the lower Himalayas at an elevation of about 6387 meters above sea level in district Uttarakashi. This river, flows in a southerly direction through the Himalayan foothills, onto the northern Indian plain, and a series of valleys for about 200Kms, along the Uttar Pradesh-Haryana state border. At this point, the Eastern and Western Yamuna canals are fed from the river. Son River One of the largest southern tributaries of the Ganges is the Son River of central India. The Son River originates in the state of Chhattisgarh in the east direction of the origin of Narmada River. It then flows in the north-northwest direction through Madhya Pradesh before turning in the east direction where it meets the Kaimur range. The river starts flowing in the parallel direction of the Kaimur range in the east-northeast direction through Uttar Pradesh and Bihar and joins the Ganges just above Patna, the capital of Bihar. Mahananda River The Mahananda River is a major confluent of the Ganges in eastern part of India. The river originates from the extreme north of West Bengal from thehills of Darjeeling. It then flows southwards through the fertile agricultural area I in Bihar and enters West Bengal. The river then flows in the southeast direction I in to Bangladesh. I Kosi River I Kosi River one of the main rivers in Bihar and a prominent tributary of the Ganges, originates in the Himalayas. Along with its tributaries, the Kosi River traverses along parts of Tibet, including the Mount Everest region and also one third of the eastern part of Nepal. The river has shifted its course from east to west about 120 kilometres in the last two hundred years. Gandak River Gandak is also known as the Kali Gandaki River and Narayani after the confluence with Trisuli in Nepal. Gandak River is a tributary of the Ganga or Ganges River. It is one of the major rivers in Nepal and India. It is a north bank tributary of the Ganga in India. It rises at 7620 m in Tibet near the Nepal border and overlooks the Dhaulagiri. It is distinguished for the deep gorge across which it flows and for a large hydroelectric facility in Nepal. This river also provides water for a major Irrigation cum Hydroelectric power facility at the Indo-Nepal border at Valmikinagar. The river has a total catchment area of 46,300 sqkm out of which 7620 sqkm is located in India. The Gandaki River is mentioned in the ancient Indian epic Mahabharata. Ghaghara River Ghaghara River, also called the Gogra or Ghagra, Nepali Kauriala or Manchu or the Karnali, literally means `holy water from the sacred mountain`. The term Karnali also means â€Å"Turquoise River†and is a trans-boundary perennial river that originates on the Tibetan plateau. The Karnali is called K`ung-ch`iao Ho in Chinese. This river near Manasarowar cuts through the Himalayas in Nepal on its way to the convergence with the Sarda River at Brahmaghat in India where it forms the Ghaghara River. The Ghaghara River is a major left bank tributary of the Ganges. It is the longest and largest river in Nepal with a length of around 507 km and one of the largest affluent of the Ganges. Mahakali River River Mahakali flows between the border of Nepal and India. This river forms the western international border between Nepal and India and it originates from the Greater Himalayas at Kalapaani. The river flows down from a height of 3600 m, in the Pithoragarh District of Uttarakhand. Eventually, it joins with the Gori Ganga at Jauljibi area. This river again joins the Saryu River at Pancheshwar. The vicinity
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Comparison and Analysis Essay
Both characters show traces of mental instability; Blanche perhaps more-so than Eddie, as throughout the play there are constant reminders to the audience that Blanche’s already feeble mental state is deteriorating. For example, when Blanche recalls the death of her ‘young husband’, Tennessee Williams cleverly has the music of the ‘Vasouviana Polka’ playing in the background, which increases in pace and volume the more distressed and erratic Blanche becomes. However, Eddie’s aberration is present much more subtly than Blanche’s,; Arthur Miller gives us hints that he does not see the world normally, which are extremely evident in the way he speaks and reacts with the character of Catherine. This is present in chapter 1, when Eddie expresses his resentment of other men looking at her, â€Å"Katie you are walkin’ wavy! I don’t like the looks they’re givin’ you†, despite her being 17 years old he tries to shield her from other men. His affection towards Catherine is undoubtedly not how it should be, and throughout the play Eddie suppresses these feelings and urges as he is very much consumed in his own mind and does not fully acknowledge this until Beatrice clearly articulates his desires in the conclusion of the play by saying â€Å"You want somethin’ else, Eddie, and you can never have her! â€Å". In both cases, most of the tension the characters create is due to their naivety towards their unusual relationships; both characters have abstruse attractions towards people who are not family members by blood, but through other means. (Catherine, Eddie’s wife’s late sister’s daughter and Stanley, Blanche’s sister’s husband). Like Eddie, Blanche daintily drops hints that she is interested in her sister’s husband although at the start of the play we dismiss this as Blanche’s usual behavior as she has a tendency to flirt with anyone/everyone she comes across. The virility of Stanley’s character allows him to see straight through Blanche’s poised and false exterior, which means that he has very little respect for her, this is clearly shown by his actions towards her throughout the play and this leads to a highly charged atmosphere between the two of them, (and also between Stanley and Stella as she is aware of his complete disapproval of her sister, hereby creating great drama). For example, at the start of scene two, Stella and Stanley have an argument about Blanche which ends in Stanley asserting his authority by saying ‘You’re damn tootin’ I’m going to stay here’. Later in scene two Stanley acts upon his intuition and rifles through Blanche’s trunk which contains all her personal belongings clearly indicating his lack of respect for her possessions. Williams creates great tension between Blanche and Stanley during the play as, although there is hostility, I feel it contributes to the sexual tension felt between them; for example Stanleys ‘request’ when he says â€Å"My clothes’re stickin’ to me. Do you mind if I make myself comfortable? (He starts to remove his shirt)†reveals the sexual tension between Stanley and Blanche when they first meet and indicates that sexuality is a core part of his personality. He is portrayed as a sexual character from the beginning, whereas Blanche attempts to hide this side of her, however this in itself somehow subtly emphasises her true nature. Blanche is equally forward in the scene when she changes clothes in the bedroom which is only separated by drapes, she asks â€Å"Excuse me while I slip on my pretty new dress!! †and â€Å"Many thanks! Now the buttons†. Blanche purposefully flirts with Stanley and she wants him to get close to her, especially when asking him to do up the buttons. These various subtle and intimate moments work in unison to indicate the contrasts and similarities between Stanley and Blanche, which combine to create heightened sexual tension. Ultimately as they are both strong characters, one of the two has to come out a victor of their rivalry. Stanley is strong but Blanche successfully establishes a foothold in his house during the first third of the play and even shames him into acting somewhat ‘sheepishly’ by the end of scene one. However, Blanche’s ascendancy does not last long and eventually we see Stanley regain his primitive masculine supremacy. This then progresses towards the end of the play, to complete lack of respect for Blanche herself, as in scene ten a drunk Stanley rapes her while her sister is in hospital; an unpleasant ‘victory’ over a weakened Blanche is the very peak of tension between the two. The main tension experienced in â€Å"A View from the Bridge†is due to the great contrast between how Eddie sees Catherine, and how she sees him. In Eddie’s world, he imagines protecting Catherine from marriage or any male relationship and wants her for himself. While Eddie wavers and switches between communal and state laws and cultures to discriminate against Rodolpho, his motivations do not change, regardless of the fact it is often at the expense of others. Throughout the play, Miller creates uncomfortable situations for the reader/viewer, caused by the emergence of Eddie’s unusual ‘love’ for Catherine. This is shown in particular in act one, when Catherine lights Eddie’s cigar in the living room, it is an event that gives Eddie unusual pleasure, as he then longingly ‘stands looking towards the kitchen for a moment’. This would normally be an innocent and loving gesture from a niece to her uncle, however due to the fact that the audience is aware of Eddie’s feelings about Catherine, the situation becomes uncomfortable, possibly bearing phallic connotations. Depending on interpretation by the actors and by the readers, this moment in the play may have more or less sexual undertones, heightening the tension gradually, with each intimate encounter between the two. Eddie pays great attention to Catherine, which often corresponds with his impotence in his own relationship with Beatrice; in scene one she confronts him asking ‘When am I going to be a wife again, Eddie? ’, which can either be interpreted as a delicate way to address the sensitive subject of their non-existent sex life, or as a way of subtly and bitterly trying to make him see how he is behaving. Later on she also says â€Å"You going to leave her (Catherine) alone? Or you gonna drive me crazy? †she says this after Eddie has just argued with Catherine in the street over Rodolpho; it is another way of her trying to tell him what he needs to hear. Until the end of the play, the other characters are aware of Eddie’s feelings towards Catherine, he seems unable to understand them himself. â€Å"A View From the Bridge†uses the character of Alfieri as a narrator which also acts as a chorus, giving us brief but ambiguous insights into what is going to happen later on in the play; this is a theatrical technique that originated in Athens during its time as the theatrical capital of the western world. The scenes would be broken up by interjections from the chorus, which often would comment on the action of the story and express their sorrow and mourning for the tragic events; however Alfieri does not so much show his sadness but on several occasions comments on how dreadful everything that happens is, even ending the play by telling the audience that he ‘mourns’ for Eddie (with a certain alarm). In both plays, the tension caused by the characters of Blanche and Eddie is often increased by the implication that although they are members of the family, there is no longer a place for them. In â€Å"A Streetcar Named Desire†, there is no place for Blanche in Stella and Stanley’s relationship, the lack of space in their house and cramped atmosphere accurately reflects her imposition on their lives; creating an intense atmosphere (especially due to the face that there is only a set of ‘drapes’ separating Blanche from Stanley when either he or she is changing). Eddie, on the other hand, has been forced to appear an outsider in his own home, due to the presence of the illegal immigrants Rodolpho and Marco. However, the real issue Williams wants the audience to concentrate on, is that there is no longer a place for Eddie in his beloved Catherine’s life; as she is growing up, she becomes less reliant on support from Eddie and if anything his harsh attitudes towards letting her have freedom push him further away from her, making him even less a part of his life as she resents him for it. Unlike Blanche, Eddie does not begin the story as an outsider; the progression of his obsessions throughout the play lead to him becoming more and more distanced from those closer to him (Beatrice and Catherine); and eventually he loses his place in the family entirely. This happens when Catherine tells him she is going to move out with Rodolpho, which sends Eddie over the edge. This idea of Blanche’s intrusion relates to her being described as â€Å"the villain of the piece†by George Marotous, an online critic; however, I personally disagree with this statement. Blanche’s actions before her visit to Stella were not in any way malicious, and due to the death of her young husband, her mental state was already unfavourable, which lead her to make unwise decisions and behave in a way that was not appropriate. Some of her actions whilst at Stella and Stanley’s house were indeed often rude and unsuitable, flirtatious and imposing; however, this was perhaps due to the effect that losing Belle Reve had on her. Blanche’s attitude is represented by the point in which she says ‘Deliberate cruelty is not forgivable! It is the one unforgivable thing, in my opinion, and the one thing of which I have never, never been guilty’. I believe that it is a more fitting title for the character of Eddie from â€Å"A View From the Bridge†; as although his erratic behaviour is due to him wanting the best for Catherine, his actions become malicious as his need for control increases. The main example of this is when Eddie calls Immigration in order to have Rodolpho and Marco sent back to Italy, so that Rodolpho can no longer take Catherine away from him. One of the most impacting moments in this scene in act two, is when Beatrice asks Eddie ‘My God, what did you do? ’ as the stage directions go from ‘[weakened with fear]’ to ‘[-her final thrust is to turn towards him instead of running from him]’. This creates great tension, as it is the moment in which she realises that it was Eddie who called Immigration; it highlights his enormous change in character and is the point in the play at which we acknowledge that there will be no happy ending (at least, not for Eddie). However, in both the cases of Blanche and Eddie, it is not their desire to be spiteful or to cause others harm that leads them to their misfortunes; for Blanche it is the loss of her young husband and home, and for Eddie the unrequited love of his niece Catherine. The element of sexuality in both plays heightens the tension dramatically and is one of the main factors contributing to their demises and the consequences of this incite them to behave inappropriately. Out of all of the characters in both plays, the endings of Eddie and Blanche are the most distressing; however, they are not at all surprising. This is represented by the last line of â€Å"A View from the Bridge†said by the narrator, Alfieri, ‘And so I mourn him – I admit it – with a certain†¦ alarm. ’.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Hurricane Katrina Survivor Journal Entry †Creative Writing
Hurricane Katrina Survivor Journal Entry – Creative Writing Free Online Research Papers Hurricane Katrina Survivor Journal Entry Creative Writing How does hurricane Katrina affect me personally? Katrina affects me in so many ways that words can not be described. It brought many devastated situation to my life. Like others, my family returned to our home under a damage condition. After the day I left to evacuate for hurricane Katrina, my life started to change from one way to another. Within one month I have traveled to 5 different cities. I started my journey out from New Orleans going to Houston then Lake Charles, from Lake Charles we traveled to Pensacola. Leaving Pensacola to go back to New Orleans in three days then from there we went to Houma and from Houma we went to Houston again, then we traveled from Houston to Austin within one week; after that we went back to Houma for two days then happily being back in New Orleans. During this long everlasting journey, my family and I faced many critical times. Can anyone imagine that within six nights we stayed at five different places? It seems hard to believe but it’s true. During these days, everyone in my family seems to be very worried and unhappy. Every time we turned on the news from our hotel room, everyone started to get quiet and have different thoughts running through our minds. One big concern to my parent was our house, not because it cost a lot but because that’s the only thing we accomplished within 7 years living in United States. No feelings can be worst than knowing everything you own is being taken away from you. Just thinking of the fact that the house may be flooded to the roof no one was on the mood of doing anything. One main similarity from people evacuated for hurricane Katrina is that no one suspected we would go for a one month trip. Therefore, I believed that every family I know of only packed for a 2 or 3 days trip. My family was no different; we only packed two outfits for everyone. I remembered every time we arrived at a new city we have to go find a Laundromat to wash our clothes. As days past by and things are still the same, I started to think of negative thoughts and begin to realize that my life may never be the same due to the fact that I have to attend new school and make new friends. I have never thought of the things I have until I loose it. For example, my friend, I never knew how important they are to me until I see other people with their friends and I have no friends. In conclusion, I feel very blessed for what I have today. Although I went through many tough times but compare to other people I think that my family and I are very lucky that we still have a place to live and a life to start over. Unlike other people who return home and see their house being wash away by water and have lost everything they own. After this enormous tragedy, I have seen myself in a different perspective. Research Papers on Hurricane Katrina Survivor Journal Entry - Creative WritingHip-Hop is ArtNever Been Kicked Out of a Place This NiceThe Effects of Illegal ImmigrationBook Review on The Autobiography of Malcolm XThe Spring and AutumnTrailblazing by Eric AndersonThe Masque of the Red Death Room meaningsCapital Punishment19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraHarry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Essay
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
My Dads - Sample Common Application Essay - Option #1
My Dads - Sample Common Application Essay - Option #1 The essay prompt for option #1 of the 2018-19 Common Application allows students a lot of breadth: Some students have a background, identity, interest, or talent that is so meaningful they believe their application would be incomplete without it. If this sounds like you, then please share your story. The prompt allows students to write about just about anything they find extremely important in their lives. Charlie chose this option because his atypical family situation was a defining part of his identity. Here is his essay: Charlie's Common Application Essay My Dads I have two dads. They met in the early 80s, became partners soon after, and adopted me in 2000. I think I’ve always know that we were a little different from most families, but that’s never really bothered me. My story, that which defines me, is not that I have two dads. I’m not automatically a better person, or smarter, or more talented, or better looking because I am the child of a same-sex couple. I’m not defined by the number of fathers I have (or the lack of mothers). Having two dads is inherent to my person not because of the novelty; it’s inherent because it has afforded me a completely unique life perspective. I’m very fortunate to have grown up in a loving and safe environment- with caring friends, family, and neighbors. I know for my dads, that was not always the case. Living on a farm in Kansas, my dad Jeff struggled internally with his identity for years. My dad Charley was luckier; born and raised in New York City, he was always supported by his parents and the community there. He only has a few stories of being harassed on the street or the subway. Dad Jeff, though, has a web of scarring on his right arm, from the time he was jumped leaving a bar; one of the men pulled a knife on him. When I was little, he used to make up stories about these scars; it wasn’t until I was fifteen that he told me the truth. I know how to be afraid. My dads know how to be afraid- for me, for themselves, for the life they’ve created. When I was six, a man threw a brick through our front window. I don’t remember much about that night save for a few images: the police arriving, my aunt Joyce helping to clean up the glass, my dads hugging, how they let me sleep in their bed that night. This night wasn’t a turning point for me, a realization that the world is an ugly, nasty place. We carried on as usual, and nothing like that ever happened again. I guess, in retrospect, my dads were just used to living slightly afraid. But it never stopped them from going out in public, being seen together, being seen with me. Through their bravery, their unwillingness to give in, they taught me the virtue of courage more concretely and lasting than a thousand parables or Bible verses ever could. I also know how to respect people. Growing up in a â€Å"different†family dynamic has led me to appreciate and understand others who are labeled as â€Å"different.†I know how they feel. I know where they’re coming from. My dads know what it is like to be spat on, looked down on, yelled at, and belittled. Not only do they want to keep me from being bullied; they want to keep me from bullying. They have taught me, through their actions, beliefs, and habits, always to strive to be the best person I can. And I know countless other people have learned the same things from their own parents. But my story is different. I wish having same-sex parents wasn’t the novelty it is. I’m not a charity case, or a miracle, or a role model because I have two dads. But I am who I am because of them. Because of all they’ve lived through, dealt with, suffered, and tolerated. And from that, they’ve taught me how to help others, how to care about the world, how to make a difference- in a thousand small ways. I am not just the â€Å"boy with two dads;†I’m the boy with two dads who taught him how to be a decent, caring, courageous, and loving human being. A Critique of Charlie's Common Application Essay Overall, Charlie has written a strong essay. This critique looks at the features of the essay that make it shine as well as a few areas that could use a little improvement. The Essay Title Charlies title is short and simple, but it is also effective. Most college applicants have a single dad, so the mention of plural dads is likely to pique the interest of the reader. Good titles dont need to be funny, punny, or clever, and Charlie has clearly gone for a straight-forward but effective approach. There are, of course, many strategies for writing a good essay title, but Charlie has done a good job on this front.  The Essay Length For the 2018-19 academic year, the Common Application essay has a word limit of 650 and a minimum length of 250 words. At 630 words, Charlies essay is on the long side of the range. Youll see advice from many college counselors stating that you are better off keeping your essay short, but that advice is controversial. Sure, you dont want to have wordiness, fluff, digressions, vague language, or redundancy in your essay (Charlie is not guilty of any of these sins). But a well-crafted, tight, 650-word essay can provide the admissions folks with a more detailed portrait of you than a 300-word essay. The fact that the college is asking for an essay means that it has holistic admissions, and the admissions folks want to learn about you as an individual. Use the space youve been given to do so. Again, there are many theories about the ideal essay length, but you can obviously do a more thorough job introducing yourself to the college with an essay that takes advantage of the space youve been given. The Essay Topic Charlie steers clear of some of the obvious bad essay topics, and he has certainly focused on a topic that the admissions folks wont see very frequently. His topic is an excellent choice for Common Application option #1 for his domestic situation has clearly played a defining role in who he is. There are, of course, a few conservative colleges with religious affiliations that would not look favorably upon this essay, but thats not an issue here since those are schools that would not be a good match for Charlie. The essay topic is also a good choice in that it illustrates how Charlie will contribute to the diversity of the college campus. Colleges want to enroll a diverse college class, for we all learn from interacting with people who are different than us. Charlie contributes to diversity not through race, ethnicity, or sexual orientation, but by having an upbringing that is different from the great majority of people. Weaknesses of the Essay For the most part, Charlie has written an excellent essay. The prose in the essay is clear and fluid, and aside from an incorrect punctuation mark and a vague pronoun reference, the writing is pleasing free of errors. Although Charlies essay isnt likely to create any significant concerns from readers, the tone of the conclusion could use a little reworking. The last sentence, in which he calls himself a decent, caring, courageous, and loving human being, comes across as a little strong with the self-praise. In fact, that last paragraph would be stronger if Charlie simply cut the final sentence. Hes already made the point in that sentence without the problem of tone we encounter at the very end. This is a classic case of show, dont tell. Charlie has shown that he is a decent person, so he doesnt need to spoon feed that information to his reader. The Overall Impression Charlies essay has much that is excellent, and the admissions folks are likely to respond positively to how understated most of it is. For example, when Charlie narrates the scene of the brick flying through the window, he says, this night wasnt a turning point for me. This is not an essay about sudden life-changing epiphanies; rather, it is about the life-long lessons in bravery, perseverance, and love that have made Charlie into the person that he is. A couple simple questions you can ask when evaluating an essay are these: 1) Does the essay help us get to know the applicant better? 2) Does the applicant seem like someone who would contribute to a campus community in a positive way? With Charlies essay, the answer to both questions is yes. To see more sample essays and learn strategies for each of the essay options, be sure to read The 2018-19 Common Application Essay Prompts.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Evaluation of Current Accounting Policy of Phone Services Essay
Evaluation of Current Accounting Policy of Phone Services - Essay Example There are generally two key factors for revenue recognition: Completion of earning process, Assurance of payment. The policy which helps inter-department on recognition of revenue is the renewal of portable internet services for customers who already have phone-e-devices at a price of $240 (Kennon, 2010). The accounting policies which they are adopting can increase their market share and sales as they are offering a low price to their customers. This is also helping them in penetration of market for their new products. The new policies which the firm can adopt are cost policy and revenue recognition policy. They are offering the low price to its customers as compared to their competitors due to the low signal and service quality than their competitors. They cannot increase the price or service charge of Prepaid Portable Internet Connection, as doing so can result in shifting of its customers towards other brands. Another risk which firm faces are that if in near future their competit ors decrease the price of their products, the company may suffer losses. To avoid this company can practice cost-cutting techniques in the manufacturing of their products. If they do not manufacture their parts or components and buy it from suppliers, they should try to focus on cheap and best quality suppliers. The activities of any company which decides revenue recognition are: Sale of goods, Rendering of services and Construction contracts. Therefore these activities have to be properly managed.Â
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